Meet The [Day] Maker
Oh hey!
I'm Kerry, the hands + mastermind of creativity behind Day Maker Cards, [formerly 1cre8ivemess]. I'm a lover of color, patterns and all the small details. Making + mailing handmade cards is one of my favorite things to do and one of the easiest [+ inexpensive!] ways to share happiness.
More than 20 years ago I began using my love of patterned paper to make custom scrapbooks for friends + customers. Including a coordinating handmade card was one of my signature moves and it's what really led to the focus of the business becoming handmade cards. I still scrapbook for myself and have quite the collection of albums full of my life adventures + vacation excursions.
Fun, random facts: I'm a lover of diet coke and a hater of lima beans. Lowercase letters + ampersands make me happy and I'm almost always cold. Odd numbers are my favorite and I love HGTV + the food network. I'm freakishly good [and fast] at putting puzzles together and I love a good adventure, despite having extreme anxiety. Country music is my jam + I'm slightly obsessed with true crime - both in podcast and book form.
I share the w2 house with my better half Jon - [if you've seen me at an event he was probably there doing the heavy lifting while showing off his favorite card.] He's my favorite human and is the best - always encouraging me to try new techniques, buy more supplies [even if I don't really neeeeeeeeed them], and supporting my crazy dreams. I met him 15 years ago while bartending at the same restaurant and the rest is history. We have two of the most incredible chihuahua puppers, Harley and Demolition.

we love a good selfie
[+ backwards baseball hats]
[+ backwards baseball hats]

[an old photo from a country concert, but it's my all time fave]
Harley Diesel
[sweet, spunky & loves a good cookie]

Demolition Ninja
[crazy, chaotic and loves a good bone]

Hercules Bazinga
[always in our hearts - the bestest little man there ever was. 2012-2021]