march meet the maker : day 9 : rough/mock up
day 9 : rough/mock up
as much as i love to be a planner, i'm usually not one to thoroughly plan out my cards. usually i'll have an idea as a baseline - whether it is a product or a sentiment i want to use and i'll build around that.
to be completely honest, i'll often ask jon or my bestie laura for a suggestion - or i'll ask them to pick between two things and go with their pick, even if/when they don't know what they're picking! this is actually how the card i shared yesterday came to be created.
every now and then i'll draw out a rough sketch of an idea, and it's usually on a post-it note or a random scrap of paper. pictured below was a quick idea on a piece that i had dabbed off ink before blending. sometimes i'll add notes like color choices so i know what to cut when i'm in the execution stage.
sometimes instead of drawing out a sketch, i'll get out some of the supplies that i know i want to use and i'll rearrange them to see if i can get an idea of what might work.
i had an idea what i wanted this card to look like but i was struggling with a color choice. laura suggested a green and i searched my pinterest board for color combos and found one that was taken from a peacock! i laid out a few of my supplies and made a quick sketch.
the card came together just the way that i wanted to!
for me, sometimes just going with the flow works the best for me. i don't always deal well with change so if i don't plan, then i'm not stuck with one idea.
what about you? are you a planner or a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-er? i love trying new methods, so i would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.
tomorrow is going to be one of my favorite posts of the month, so i hope you'll come back and visit!