march meet the maker : day 28 : planning

march meet the maker : day 28 : planning

day 28 : planning

i feel like yesterday's post could be tied in with todays as well - future goals and planning kind of go hand in hand. 

i'm a planner. i like plans. i like schedules and when things have a space and a home and are organized. 

i don't deal with change very well - i'm learning to adapt, but it's still not my favorite.

however, when it comes to planning - in general i have a huge calendar in my office. i make daily and weekly to-do lists to try and prioritize my plans. when it comes time to plan for shows and events, i have a color-coordinated spreadsheet. this year i have a feeling that things will be a little different since so many events are up in the air based on social distancing. 

for when i'm working on cards, i usually have a hand-drawn sketch or notes so that i can have a basic plan for execution. i've mentioned the mini books i'm working on for the 100-day project with sketches and color schemes and i'll share them in more depth next week!

i don't have a special photo for today, but am once again relying on a pinterest quote to best represent the theme for today:

while i don't deal well with change, i like this quote. it's not always pass or fail, sometimes it's just a work in progress that needs a little help in staying or re-routing the course. i am learning to work on the big picture and not just the individual steps that get there. 

so that's a little bit of background for my approach to planning and how i go about things. tomorrow i'll be sharing some insight to how i go about self-promotion. 

it's hard to believe that the end of the month is quickly approaching, it's been such a great challenge this time around. 


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