march meet the maker : day 24 : personal touch
day 24 : personal touch
i've touched on this topic a little bit with my packaging post, but one of my favorite things to do when sending mail is to coordinate the color of the envelope to the card as well as the postage.
there are so many fun styles of postage available and i'm a big fan of sets of stamps that have more than one variety included.
when i receive mail i try to pay attention to the postage - what color is it, is it on straight, have i seen it before, etc. i hope that sometimes my recipients do something similar.
the usps website has a great rotating collection of postage stamps available for purchase and i've learned over the years that not every branch sells the same styles. i love scoping out what's coming up next. i won't lie - i have a hard time ordering them online based on the amount they charge for shipping! it seems contradictory to me.
in terms of personal touches to my products - when i mail out orders i include a handwritten note. when i create custom orders i try to go above and beyond and include something extra.
for the cards that i list and sell, i've been including a colored envelope. while white envelopes are much less expensive for me to buy in the first place, they just aren't as exciting. i think that a colored envelope in the mail grabs people's attention and that's what i go for when i send mail, so why not for my customers as well? my favorites to buy are from gina k, but i've also been known to make my own or dress them up to coordinate with a card, as seen here, here and here.
what's your favorite personal touch when you purchase something? is it the way that it's wrapped up or a freebie that is included? or is it in the details of the item itself?