march meet the maker : day 15 : help
day 15 : help
there is absolutely no way i could do any of the things that make 1cre8ivemess what it is without this dude.
to highlight a few of his talents and general awesomeness:
- he routinely picks up my shifts or rearranges his schedule [at the restaurant we both work at] so that i can get more things done, meet deadlines, go to events, etc.
- he is a jenga master and can pack up the car like nobody's business, making sure absolutely everything we need for an event [tent, weights, walls, three rubbermaids, two crates, cooler with snacks [because i'm basically a toddler], bank, banner, and anything else i need to have that particular day] fits in, with room to spare. he's also quite amazing and efficient at unloading and setting up.
- he talks me up to everyone he meets. he brags about his favorite cards at shows and is the first person to ask someone what they need help finding, or suggesting that i make them a custom order.
- he supports and believes in me, even when i don't believe in myself. he's great for feedback in regards to when i'm struggling with an idea. he'll offer a non-ocd-artistic opinion and most of the time, it's the perfect suggestion.
- he encourages me to buy all the supplies. seriously. all the supplies. he's been known to say "i'll be mad at you if you don't buy [the paper, stamps, ink, tool, etc.] it." when i come home with new fun toys, he always asks to see what i got. when it came time for me to debate going to an artistic creative conference, he offered to come on the trip with me because he knows my anxiety can get crazy.
i don't know how i got to be so lucky to have such a good helper, but everyday i thank god that he's in my life. he's definitely my better half and just look how great we are at taking selfies!
so when you support 1cre8ivemess - you're supporting him too. which is only fair since he helps & supports me every single day. he makes 1cre8ivemess what it is, what i am, and is the best compliment to the w2 house. love you babe!